Diploma in Digital Entertainment Technology
Week 12..Happy New Year!
project management test later (4pm)
CPP: learnt friend function, this-> pointer..
software engineering: nothing! UI assignment not started yet
Project Management: ~~
Maths: learnt..egin values, egin vector, matrix equation...
data structures: had a test, tower of Hanoi confusings..assignment not started..
Week 5 / 6 :)
forgot 2 post
cpp: learnt composition & inheritance, understand more now except the pointers for class..
data structure: recursion is confusing..assignment not started..
mathematics: still good..
CG: (lost) assignment not started..
project management: playing games
software engineering: need to complete UI now, have not started..
happy deepavali..(4th week :)
maths: learning more new things..
project management: did a activity on buyers and sellers..
cpp: learnt inheritance (combining different classes) class rectangleType : public shapeType
{ a b
} c d :)
cg: learnt to move the camera view so that image is 3ddd...(x,y,z)..
gluLookAt ( eyeX , eyeY, eyeZ , centerX, centerY, centerZ , upX , upY , upZ )
***data structure tml***
Hi, 3rd week..
had a maths test..
in cpp, we learn more about classes, and in data structure, we reinforce our knowledge in class again. difficult part is pointers class.
and for software engineering, i did use case for the uml project, and there are mistakes in mine. Johhny Tan said it was too general.
in computer graphics, we are taught to create squares and triangle, adding colour to them and shifting their position. however, most of the part are copied from the slides, except adjusting the postions, colors, etc.. so its hard to remember so many new 'functions' at one time..given to write that on my own will be impossible
1st Week of School S2 :)
Most modules are just giving a brief introduction of what the course is about, and a little teaching.
In C++, we did revision of what we did last semester. Other modules are
nEw except Advances C++ and Maths.
Mathematics I Recap:
In S1, we did solving equations, vectors, matrices, algrebra, solving algrebra equatioins and more. Vectors is difficult, but i pass it overall. Now moving on to Maths2, my tutorial said it will get more difficult and challenging.
Review of a Computer Game:
Title of the Game: World Of Warcraft
Platform of Game: PC Game
Genre of Game: 2nd person
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Product Model Year: 21 July 2005
Game Requirements: Windows 2000, XP, Vista
512 or more RAM
Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon 800MHz
32 MB 3D video card with Hardware T&L or better
Description of the game: Fantasy MMORPG
Game Play: In World of Warcraft, you will experience lots of adventures, quests, dungeons and many more. Firstly, you got to choose a side between Horde and Alliance. Both sides are enemies. For me, i chose alliance - dwarf. There will be lots adventures and exploring new lanscapes. Making friends and joining guilds inside the game are crucial as this will help you in your game. For example, some quests requires more than 1 people, and dungeons require at least 5 people. And as you get more experience and strong, you get to join raid parties which can have 40 people!!
Graphics : Graphics is good, except if ur Fps gets too low sometimes in-game. Decreasing performance and smoothens game play.
Sound : cool, now with the new in-game chat system, players can now chat without installing external chatting software such as Ventrilo and TeamSpeak.
Conclusion, its fun.